
Your Ferrari

Someone gave you something that you have wanted for a long time, a Ferrari! The instruction manual is in Italian, a language different from yours. However, you can go to the manufacturer's website to download instructions in your preferred language.

Will you insist on reading the instructions that came with the equipment or will you search for and download the translation of the instructions, so that you can understand the instructions?

So why do you insist on reading the Quran in Arabic, when you do not understand the Arabic language?

You are only deceiving yourself. If you try to drive that Ferrari without reading the manual in a language that you understand, the probability that you will get into an accident is very high. You can die and even kill other people...

If you do not read the guidance that God has sent down to you in a language that you understand, what do you think will happen to the probability that you will go to Heaven? Will it be lower or higher?

You have no excuse.

If you truly want to know God, you have to read the books He has revealed. Translations of the Quran are available in English, Hausa, Ibo, Yoruba and many other languages. Start reading and stay focused till you finish reading it.

Remember that God can see you, He knows your thoughts. You can deceive yourself but you cannot deceive your creator.

God is Severe in Punishment

God is severe in punishment

Do you know how many times the statement 'God is severe in punishment' is repeated in the Quran?

Thirteen (13) times.

Why are we discussing this topic?

It is because many of us might do something wrong then we tell ourselves that God is forgiving and merciful but we do not like to remind ourselves that God is also severe in punishment (See Quran 5:98).

It is important to have a balanced view at all times. This is one of the ways that we can prevent ourselves from doing bad things.

If you find yourself constantly doing wrong, may I suggest that you surround yourself with these words: GOD IS SEVERE IN PUNISHMENT. Make it the screensaver on your phone, paste it on your refrigerator, let it hang from your rear mirror in your car...By doing this, you are working on your subconscious mind. You want to be constantly reminded of these words so that you can, if God wills, increase your fear of God's punishment and ultimately change your behaviour.


Please see Quran: 

2:165, 196, 211; 


5:2, 98;

8:13, 25, 48, 52;




Call to God with the Quran

Peace be on you and the mercy of God and His blessings! This message is for Muslims.  Please read Quran 12:108  Anyone who follows prophet M...