
The Ungrateful One

Me: Have you started reading the Quran?

You: To be honest, no.

Me: You have to make time for God. He is the one giving you everything. Not making time for Him is ingratitude. Another meaning of the word "Disbeliever" is "The Ungrateful One"

Make effort to turn to God now while everything is fine with you.

If something goes wrong and you are facing death then you decide that you want to turn to God, it will be too late then. That is what happened to Pharaoh (Q10:90).

I think you think that you believe in God and you want to worship God your own way but if you really think about it, that is actually a form of disbelief. Please think clearly about it. 

Let me explain. These are the things we are required to believe in: 
1. God, 
2. The Last Day, 
3. God's messengers,
4. God's Books,
5. The angels.

If you really believe in God and you heard that He sent a book down to you, you will search for the book and study it intensely. Just like if you see a snake, you will run.

The disbeliever has no hope of going to heaven. That is the difference. The believer has hope. On Judgment Day, the weight of our deeds will be measured. For the disbelievers, their deeds will have no weight. Because they did not believe, so their works are in vain. This is explained clearly in the Quran (Q18:103-106, Q14:18, Q7:147, Q25:22-23). 

As for the believers, belief alone will not make them successful on Judgment Day. We have to believe AND do good works.

One example of good works mentioned in the Quran, is the daily prayers; the ones we do after performing ablution. Another example is feeding the poor. 

To reiterate, doing good works without believing will not help the doer on Judgment Day. This is one of the reasons why we need to read God's books. There is salient information in them.

Please make haste to read God's books starting with the Quran because your study will be more efficient that way.

Remember, the first step in discovering if the Quran is from God is to read it.