
Questions & Answers 2

Question 2:
Reading Quran without knowing its meaning is tantamount to music and reader has no rewards, someone said! Please any clarification on this?

Answer 2:
The purpose of a book is to be read and understood. The Quran is a book sent down to us by our Lord. 

If someone who doesn't understand Yoruba is singing a song that goes like this 🎵 Mi o ni mu omi tutu, mi o gbodo mu omi tutu, ani mi o ni mu omi tutu se 🎶 And as the person is singing, He takes a break and goes to the freezer then takes out a bottle of cold water and starts drinking it. Was the song he was singing useful to him?

Whether reciting the Quran without knowing the meaning has reward. I have no knowledge of this. However, what I know is that the Quran is a book. Its purpose is to guide us. How can you be guided if you are not making any effort to know the meaning of what is in the Book? You are content to just make your voice beautiful and sing its words in a melodious voice.

Know that the people who are reciting the Quran who understand Arabic, they are not on the same plane as one who does not understand Arabic but is reciting the Quran. The difference is that the former understand what they are saying so they can benefit from the wisdom in the Quran. 

If you don't understand Arabic you have to make the effort to read many translations as well as start learning Arabic. You can do it, if God will.

I urge you to worry less about your reward. God will definitely not cheat you of your reward. Worry more about how you can be conversant with the guidance that God has sent down for you - The Quran. Both the reading and the recitation of it.

Translation of lyrics: 
 ðŸŽµ I will not drink cold water, I must not drink cold water, I say I will not drink cold water 🎶

Call to God with the Quran

Peace be on you and the mercy of God and His blessings! This message is for Muslims.  Please read Quran 12:108  Anyone who follows prophet M...