
The Gift of the Quran

If you do not have enough knowledge of Islam to preach, do not preach, give the gift of the Quran instead...

Let me tell you my story. I got a copy of the Quran from a Catholic. He gave it to me as a gift when I was in University. This was probably in the year 2002 (or earlier, I do not remember when exactly). I became a Believer in 2014 after reading this Quran several times. Hence, it took twelve (12) years for the seed of Islam that was planted in me to germinate!

Some of you may know me and wonder 'But you have always been a Muslim!' This sounds true but it is not. Having an Arabic name does not make one a Muslim...But I digress.

Do you know how many converts to Islam came to Islam because they were randomly presented with copies of the Quran?

Quite a number.

I know this because my favourite pastime, when I am not writing blog posts, is to listen to convert's stories.

They do not usually read it immediately. One day, they just get the urge to start reading and their journey to Islam begins.

Why am I telling you all this?

So that you can give the gift of the Quran to the people you come across in your daily life.

Please, do not discriminate by presenting the Quran only to non-Muslims; Look at me, I was a purported Muslim, yet I had not read the Quran. Present it to anyone who will take it from you. That is what I do.

When I am on a bus, or while sitting in the lobby of a car-wash, or standing in line at the bank, or when I get a ride from a LYFT or an UBER driver, I always try to initiate conversation and then turn the conversation to scripture. Then I say, 'Have you read the Quran?' If they say, 'No' and they follow Christianity, then I say, 'Why not? It is a book,...' And the conversation goes on till I say, 'Do you mind if I send you a copy of the Quran?' Some people accept, some people do not...Do not fret, remember that you are planting a seed. It is enough that you have mentioned the Quran to them. If God wills, they will search on the internet and get a copy of the Quran by themselves, or through other means. They do not need to accept your gift.

I usually share an electronic copy of the Quran. However, on two (2) occasions, I have given hard copies of the Quran. If they want to chat about other things, I listen to them. However, I do not chat excessively or try to make friends with them. My purpose is singular; to share the Quran.

Please, do not be shy. Do it for yourself; maybe God will reward you for sharing His Light and inviting to Islam. Or do it for the stranger, maybe you can be instrumental in saving him from the Fire (See Quran 16:125). Although, God is the one who guides.

Read Scripture...Get to know God