

You have a business appointment in Apapa.

You are currently in Ikorodu,
You have a car, you have a GPS enabled phone and you have data.
You do not know the way to Apapa. Your assistant has sent you the directions via Google Maps, but you say you will not use Google Maps...
You want to find your way there using your intuition?

Are you brave or foolish?

You want to go to heaven, you have eyes, you are sane, you are not illiterate, you can read. And God has sent down books (The Torah, the Gospel, the Quran,...) to you through His messengers. These books contain directions for how to make it to Heaven and you say you will not read them, that you will make it to Heaven by following your intuition...

Are you brave or foolish?

I am not saying that you will not get to Apapa.
It is possible that you will get there, but will it be easy and will you be there in time for your appointment?

Why are you gambling with the possibility of going to Heaven?

Get free directions* on how to get to heaven at HibiscusT595595.

*Translations of the Quran.